Welcome to iReport.ie
The iReport.ie system was launched in July 2013.
It allows the people, communities, and organisations of Ireland
to confidentially report racism nationwide.
Have you faced discrimination in Accessing Housing? Share your Experience
As part of the Safe Homes For All Project, we are particulary interested in the experiences of minority ethnic groups in accessing accomodation. If you have faced discrimination when accessing accomodation, please fill in an iReport. This is an easy to fill confidential mechanism that records racist incidents in Ireland. Safe Homes For All is supported by the St Stephen’s Green Trust.

iReport.ie Racist Incident Reporting System:
- Enables people who experience or witness racism and/or those supporting them to do something about it and break the silence.
- National, confidential and user-friendly way to report racism from any online device.
- Used for monitoring racism in Ireland.
- Provides evidence and data on racism in Ireland.
- Counters an increase in racism and the hardening of racist attitudes.
- Responds to the need to focus the discussion on finding solutions to racism.
How does iReport.ie Racist Incident Reporting System work
- Making a report. You can make a report if you experienced, witnessed or heard of a racist incident. You can also do so on behalf of someone else (i.e. a service user or a friend). All racist incidents, including racist crime, discrimination or racist hate speech online etc., can be reported in confidence to www.iReport.ie. This online-based system allows its users to upload photos, screengrabs, videos, pdfs, audios and other files supporting their report.
- Confidentiality. The information you provide is fully confidential and anonymous. With your permission, we may contact you for further details about your report to help us further understand the nature and context of the racist incident. We will never hand over information unless compelled to do so by the law. See our Data Protection Policy here.
- Data collection. iReport.ie questions are designed to capture a large amount of detail about racist incidents, including information about where, when and how the incident occurred and details about the victim(s) and perpetrator(s). The system also captures information about why the incident has been perceived as racist, its impact on the victim and/or witnesses, and the interplay with age, gender, sexuality, and disability. It also captures information about state agencies responses to people reporting racism to them.
- Reports of Racism in Ireland publication. Information provided through the iReport.ie online reporting system is anonymised and used to produce regular Reports of Racism in Ireland which help us lobby for better protection against racism on the local, national and international level.
- Understanding of racism and its patterns. The recording system has been designed to allow comparison with international patterns and to facilitate understandings of racism which are particular to the Irish context. Analysis of the data has been carried out by Dr. Lucy Michael in consultation with Shane O’Curry, Director of INAR.
- Using iReport.ie does not replace reporting to authorities. iReport.ie is a racism monitoring system for Ireland. Whether you have experienced racism, witnessed it happening to someone else or come across it online, it is important to take action and report it, even when legal action is not an option. However, if you believe the content or behaviour you are reporting is prohibited in Ireland, or you wish to take action against those responsible, please contact relevant local authorities, so they can accurately assess the content or behaviour for possible violations of law. If you encounter an incident that constitutes a serious crime, or if you believe there is a serious and immediate threat to someone’s life or well-being, we encourage you strongly to report these immediately to An Garda Síochána.
Responding to Racism Guide
If you would like to get redress, make a formal complaint or need further support please refer to our comprehensive Responding to Racism Guide: How to Report Racism and Where to Find Help.
Why report racism?
People in Ireland experience or bear witness to incidences of racism every day, however for a variety of reasons the vast majority of racist incidents go unreported. We encourage reporting of ALL racist incidents, regardless of their perceived seriousness, to iReport.ie and relevant bodies. Never ignore racism – report it!
It is important to report racism:
- Unreported racism stays invisible and can not be addressed.
- Ireland needs to take racism seriously.
- To change from a culture where people don’t know what to do about racism.
- To give a voice to and empower those affected by racism.
- To get a better idea of the extent and nature of racism in Ireland.
- To take action against those responsible.
- To devise effective local, national and international strategies for combating racism.
- To inform our arguments for stronger anti-racist policies at a national level.
To see live data feed on racism in Ireland since January 2015 click here.
Help us promote iReport.ie by adding the logo to your social media channels, blogs, websites or other online platforms.
Download the iReport.ie web and social media logo pack here.
INAR and iReport.ie are made possible thanks to Pobal, SSNO (Scheme to Support National Organisations) and the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government

The Facts Against Hate project receives funding from the European Union’s Fundamental Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program. The site operator is responsible for the content of the site and does not represent the views of the European Commission.